Graphics Encore(1)

"Review for an Interview"

Posted by Koala on May 7, 2020



参考书:Angel & Shreiner: Online examples

Lighting & Shading

  • vertex shader and fragment shader

    vertex: describe vertices’ features, like position and color

    fragment: fragment is like a pixel, a unit of an image

  • ambient, diffuse and specular lighting

    ambient: the light that is already present in a scene, before any additional lighting is added

    diffuse: scattered and comes from all directions

    specular: identifies the bright specular highlights that occur when light hits an object surface and reflects back toward the camera

  • flat shading, gouraud shading and phong shading

    flat: all of the polygons reflect as a flat surface, giving a blocky look and feel to a model

    gouraud: smooth shading, per-vertex, vertex shader get color passed to fragment shader

    phong: smooth shading, per-fragment, vertex shader passed position and normal to fragment shader

  • formula

    $I_d = IK_dcos\theta$

    $I_a = IK_a$

    $I_s = IK_scos^n\alpha$

    $\vec H = \vec L + \vec V$

    $\hat R = 2\hat N(\hat N \cdot\vec L)-\vec L$

    $I_4 = \frac{y_4-y_2}{y_1-y_2}I_1+\frac{y_1-y_4}{y_1-y_2}I_2$

    $I_p = \frac{x_5-x_p}{x_5-x_4}I_4+\frac{x_p-x_4}{x_5-x_4}I_5$

    $I$: light color, 1 * 3 vector, rgb

    $\theta$: angle between lighting and normal

    $\alpha$: angle between reflection light and view

    $n$: glosiness factor; the larger it is, the brighter and smaller the reflective point will be

    $\hat H$: half vector of light direction and view direction

    $\hat R$: based on light direction and normal, calculate reflective light’s direction

    last two lines: linear interpolation for gouraud shading

Parametric Curves

  • linear, quadratic and cubic

    Example: Given 3 pts, $p_0, p_1, p_2$

    $p(t)=at^2+bt+1=[t^2, t, 1]MG$

    $G=[p0, p1, p2]^T$

    linear: 2pts

    quadratic: 3 pts

    cubic: 4 pts

  • interpolation

    Example: solve $c$ in $p(u)=u^Tc$, such that $p(u)$ interpolates the given 4 pts





    Write the above functions as below:

    $p=Ac$, where $p=[p0, p1, p2, p3]^T$

    and $A$ is a matrix containing all the coefficients

    can calculate inverse matrix of $A$ to get $c$

    suppose $M = A^{-1}$, then $c=Mp$

    interpolation can also be used in bicubic surface patch

  • blending function


    where $b(u)=M^Tu=[b_0(u), b_1(u), b_2(u), b_3(u)]^T$


  • Hermite, Bezier, B-Splines

    they are 3 types of curves with different $M$

    Hermite: suppose we have $p_0$ and $p_3$, and the derivative value at $u=0$ and $u=1$, need to solve difference control point at $u=0$ and $u=1$


    Bezier: use 4 pts again, but 2 of them control the derivative values at $u=0$ and $u=1$


    B-Splines: I can’t understand
